In the lotus sutra it is taught by the buddha that everyone has the buddhata , buddha - nature within , and you are a buddha 在《法华经》中,佛陀教导我们,每一个人都具足佛性,每一个人都是佛。
Shakyamuni buddha also spoke about the sound , describing it as the " sound of a drum , a bell " lotus sutra chapter 19 : fa shih gong te , and " the sound of brahma , of ocean waves , and many sounds of the world beyond " lotus sutra chapter 25 : universal door 这个声音,就是圣经上所说的word中文圣经译为道。释迦牟尼佛也提到过这种音流,法华经中记载内外诸音声,其中有鼓声与钟声法师功德品第十九以及梵音海潮音,胜彼世间音普门品第二十五。